How DJ Evolve is Doing As Babu Owino Continues to Support his Family

September 2, 2022

John Orinda, the father of Felix Orinda alias DJ Evolve, has provided an update on the progress his son is making as he continues to recover from a shooting incident at the hands of Embakasi MP Babu Owino.

Orinda said DJ Evolve continues to receive physiotherapy for the paralysis he suffered from the waist down.

“He(DJ Evolve) is doing well but is still living an assisted life. He is also starting to feel his legs but he cannot walk yet.

“Right now, he is being taught how to sit down but continues to be assisted in feeding. It is good that he can now eat solid foods,” Orinda said.

The Senior Orinda also noted that Babu Owino continues to abide by a compensation agreement that came with his acquittal for an attempted murder charge.

Also Read – DETAILS of Babu Owino Deal With DJ Evolve That Got him Acquitted

“He(Babu Owino) is still helping; he has been arranging for my son’s treatment. Anything I ask of him, he does without raising questions.

“However, I don’t go to him all the time for everything because I also have to take care of my son as his father and provider,” Orinda said.

DJ Evolve’s father spoke on Thursday, September 1, as the Orinda family prepares to mark the first anniversary since the DJ’s mother, Mama Mary Hongo, died.

On how DJ Evolve is coping in her absence, Orinda said: “I advised Evolve to forget about her in the meantime and focus on recovering and preparing for his life ahead.”

He said he is hopeful that DJ Evolve will fully recover; “I just need him to fully recover and after this, I will then focus on how to steer our family ahead.”

The father said DJ Evolve still dreams of returning to the deejay booth and has been purchasing new equipment as he works to get back on his feet.

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