Jalang’o Says He Has Received 6 Radio Job Offers

September 16, 2022

Lang’ata Member of Parliament Phelix Odiuor alias Jalang’o is apparently a man in demand since he quit radio for politics.

The former Kiss 100 radio presenter has disclosed that he has received up to six different offers to return on air, all of which he had turned down.

“Like six… Let me tell you something when you know what you do and you know how hard you work and employers know that you are somebody who keeps time the offers will flow,” he told YouTuber Eve Mungai.

Jalango attributed the offers to his work ethic, saying he can handle both his parliamentary duties and radio at the same time.

“Anytime you are given work to do, give it your best, work hard and employers will always love you. There are so many radio stations that would still want me to have me back on the air because they know at 6:00 o’clock in the morning every day, I will always be there to start the work,” Jalang’o added.

During the interview with Mungai Eve, Jalas also explained why he cannot rehire his former employees Eli Omundu and Morrison Litiema.

“Eli and Litiema stole money from the house. Personally, I had forgiven them and even wanted to bring them back to work but the community where we live, they cannot be allowed around even if I wanted to. The pictures had already been circulated as thieves. You have come to my house, you’ve (seen) the place. Those are people once they know these people are thieves, they cannot allow,” he said.

Jalang’o added: “I really want them back but I can’t. Maybe I’ll looks for jobs for them elsewhere because they are really sorry. They are saying it is the devil that made them steal. The truth is even if I wanted to, it would be very hard to have them in the same community because the whole community will not even allow me to re-employ them even if I wanted.”

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