I Flee from Sexual Immorality: Daddy Owen on Overcoming Temptations

June 15, 2022

Award-winning gospel singer Daddy Owen has updated his fans on how he is doing including how he avoids temptations.

In a Q&A session with his Instagram followers, Owen noted it is not easy fighting sexual temptations.

“God’s grace is sufficient, but we can’t go on misusing and sinning and justify the phrase. Not easy. As long as you are human, it ain’t easy. But if it is extreme, I run away,” he said.

“I flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.”

Also Read – I Flirted With Women to Prove I’m a Man, Daddy Owen on being an Emotional Wreck

Another Instagram user asked Daddy Owen about his mental, emotional and spiritual state.

“Hapo kwa emotionally, we skip. Let’s focus on spiritual and mental. I am good.”

Owen also revealed what he wished he had done earlier.

“Serve God more, read more and get children early, and many more,” he said.

“Sometimes in life, you must go through a process so you gain intelligence and wisdom later. Wisdom is created for a long list of making wrong choices,” he explained.

On how he stays humble despite being a celebrity, Daddy Owen said he is rooted in his Christian faith.

“For me, I know I am a minister. A mini-star, leading people to the superstar.”


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