“Thieves Sprayed House with a Drug that Made 11 Members of my Family Dizzy” – Size Recalls Burglary

May 3, 2016

size8-1Gospel songstress Linet Munyali aka Size 8 has recalled a robbery incident when she was a teenager at her family home in Maringo Estate in Eastlands.
The singer’s home was raided by burglars who sprayed sleep-inducing drugs on the entire family. They made away with electronics and other valuables.
“The incident happened one night when thieves sprayed the house with a drug that made 11 members of my family (including me) dizzy and fuddled. They stole almost everything in sight! The burglars even lifted my brother, who was sleeping on the couch, put him on the floor so they could make away with the couch,” she narrated to eDaily.
Fortunately they were able to recover the stolen items.
“Interestingly, we found everything that they had stolen. One of the thieves confessed to my dad. My dad was very prayerful! The thief came clean and directed my family to where they had stored the stolen items. That is the manifestation of what prayer can do,” Size 8 said.
Source: eDaily

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