“I am the Remedy the Local Music Industry has been Waiting for” – P-Unit’s Frasha Speaks

May 3, 2016

frasha11One third of genge group P-Unit recently sat down with Pulse to speak about his music career. The rapper released his debut solo album, Dakitare, which he claims is the remedy the local music industry has been waiting for.
Pulse: Now that you are releasing an album, do you think you are faring better as a solo artiste than when you were in a group?
Frasha: The best thing about being in a group is that you can delegate some responsibilities. When solo you have to do everything, but it’s made me stronger and helped me learn more on how to be independent and do business independently.
P: How are the other two members?
Frasha: They are fine.
P: Do you envisage a reunion?
Frasha: Gabu and I have a new jam out, called Wabe. Bon Eye is also back in the studio so we are recording as P-Unit, watch out for our next project together although we continue to have solo projects. Everything is good, Bon Eye has a new baby so we are thankful to God.
P: How many songs does you album have?
Frasha: Generally I have 17 songs but I’ll chose from the 17. It will have about 10 to 12 songs to ensure the album is balanced. I have recorded a lot of songs.
P: What new sounds have you experimented with and what will make this album different from your other one?
Frasha: I have different genres of music from Kidum kind of music, funk, Genge and trance, so it’s a fusion of all of them. That’s the beauty of this album. I am able to pick the songs I want and ensure every person who listens to different kinds of music is catered for, so yeah, it has different kind of sounds.
P: What is your relationship with Pacho; is it true that you are a shareholder?
Frasha: Yes I am a shareholder and we are doing a lot of things. I am part of the management at Pacho Entertainment so I am there with Cedo, Rap Damu and some other people who have also invested and that is why most of the songs in my album come from Pacho.
P: Your album is called Dakitare. Do you miss your medical career and would you consider going back?
Frasha: Dakitare is not because I miss my profession; it’s just something I thought of. Nimekuja kutibu industry ( I have come to treat the industry) so fans are like our patients and they have been craving for good music. That is why I call myself dakitare because I want to quench the thirst of my fans with the quality of music they want.
P: You were elected a budget committee member for MCSK in 2012. Are you still serving in that capacity?
Frasha: Yes I was elected but after making a lot of noise and talking about the bad things that were going on in MCSK they kicked me out although until today I have never received a sacking letter. I was told I cannot attend any meetings in the budget committee and I just relaxed and I said we’ll still go back to the members and tell them what really happened because I was sacked.
P: Lastly, you said in an interview last year that you were on a mission to attain a healthy lifestyle and cut down on drinking. How is that working out?
Frasha: I stopped drinking. I did 40 days of 100 days and it got me the discipline to only take when I’m celebrating but I stopped and I thank God for giving me the will power to do that. I hope other people can be able to emulate me and stop drinking. If it (drinking) is controlling you and you can’t control it then I think it high time you stop before it consumes you.
P: Last word to your fans…….
Frasha: I want to thank them and all those who have supported team Frasha. I thank them for giving me the power to be able to do this album and it is dedicated it to all the fans. People who believe in me and also believe in P-Unit because without me there’s no P-Unit and without P-Unit there wouldn’t be Frasha. I want to thank everybody who has supported us and my charity events especially last weekend when we visited Gatangi and we were able to give out wheelchairs and do more. I thank everyone who has supported me. God bless them.
Credit: Pulse

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