Akorino Twins Lament Not Getting YouTube Subscribers After Failed Stunt

October 19, 2022

The infamous Kimathi twins, Teddy and Peter, say they achieved nothing positive from their clout-chasing stunt where they led people to believe that they impregnated their supposed lover, Emily Nyaruiru.

The YouTubers said they had hoped that the stunt would attract eyeballs and over 100K subscribers to their channel.

The Akorino twins did however get more than 3000 new subscribers. Peter, the Kimathi twin that is apparently Emily’s fiancé, said they had a measly 200 subscribers before their video went up.

“Before we went online with the story, we had less than 200 subscribers, and currently we are at 3.3K. We were expecting ifike 200K, 130K or 150K subs ikienda chini sana, considering ilijulikana kila place,” he said.

The twins said the backlash they received was not worth the stunt. They said they regret coming up with the idea.

“Hatujapata anything good out of the whole thing, hakuna opportunity zimekam, ata watch time ya YouTube hatujapata,” said one of the twins.

“I regret that we pulled the stunt, we have never been negatively affected in our lives as we have experienced the past few months,” Peter said.

He said they also lost friends and the clergy called them out for disgracing the church.

“We were pressured a lot by the clergy, even Pastor T reached out. We were told by the clergy that we were disgracing God by the acts we pulled and guilt was eating us up on the inside which made us want to rectify our acts.”

Also Check Out – Pastor T Prays For Akorino Twins Kimathi’s, Makes Appeal To Kenyans (PHOTOS)

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