Nadia Mukami: “Let No Man Lie To You To Sire A Child For Them”

September 27, 2022

Afropop singer Nadia Mukami reckons that a woman carries the weight of parental responsibility compared to a man.

As such, the popular songbird advises fellow women not to sire just because a man promised to support them.

Nadia was speaking about her motherhood experience six months after she and her singer husband Arrow Bwoy welcomed their baby boy, Kai.

The songbird intimated that the child belongs to the mother.

“Although men play a very big role, I think a woman does more, so you have the sacrifices; your body changes, your life changes, your time changes,” she said.

“Let no man lie to you to sire a child for them and they will support you. I have the most supportive partner in the world, but at the end of the day, my body is the one involved, among other things, like postpartum.”

Nadia stressed the importance of the mental health of a new mum and having a good support system.

“Motherhood is about your mental health. It’s about your goals. You know a woman can still do it but motherhood is not easy,” she admitted.

“I have tried to protect it(mental health) so much. Sometimes I wondered if I am a good mum but I accepted help as a new mum to keep my sanity. If you get help from friends and family, don’t hesitate.”

Nadia also mentioned that baby Kai has been a motivating factor in her life.

“He has been a big blessing and I’m grateful to God for that. Mtoto ni wa mama.”

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