Parliamentary Aspirants MUST Have Degrees, IEBC tells UDA

February 4, 2022

Political candidates seeking to be Members of Parliament in the August polls must possess a university degree. This is according to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission(IEBC).

The commission’s chief executive Marjan Hussein reiterated the degree requirement for MP aspirants in a letter addressed to UDA Secretary-general Veronica Maina.

Maina had written to the IEBC seeking clarification on qualifications and requirements for candidates across all elective posts.

“Unless declared unconstitutional by the Court, the degree requirement for Members of Parliament is in force and is trite law,” Hussein said.

“Section 22 of the Elections Act, 2011 speaks to the requirement of Members of Parliament and Members of the County Assembly to possess a degree from a university recognized in Kenya. This law is in force for purposes of the General Election 2022.”

IEBC added there is no educational requirement for MCA aspirants.

“For clarity, the Court effectively nullified the requirement that a person must possess a degree from a university recognized in Kenya to qualify to be a Member of a County Assembly.”

Aspirants for the position of President, Deputy President, Governor, and Deputy Governor must also possess a degree from a university recognised in Kenya, the commission stated.

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