Video Proof That Eric Omondi and Miss P Faked Pregnancy

November 3, 2021

Comedian Eric Omondi and upcoming musician Miss P are not expecting a child together.

The two caused quite a stir this week after sharing photos of their supposed baby bump shoot, with Eric Omondi saying he met Miss P five months ago.

“I met this Beautiful Woman 5 months ago in an event I was hosting. Whatever happened happened and I promised her I would take every Responsibility. Children are a blessing from God,” Omondi announced.

The announcement also roped in Omondi’s baby mama, Jacque Maribe, who appeared to paint the comedian as a deadbeat dad.

The former Citizen TV news anchor wrote on social media:

“I have absolute love for this here son of mine, fruit of my womb that I wanted. And I’m blessed to be custodian over him…Now, a lot of people have asked me to be quiet about what the real story on the ground is, I respect that.

“But I also ask that you respect me enough to be really real. I wouldn’t air any dirty laundry. A lot of my real friends love him, and us, he’s such a charming person. My family adores him. So, all said and done, and you can read in between the lines if you want, I’m hopelessly in love with motherhood. And as a single mum doing everything on her own, my goal is to raise a brilliant person, as he already is.

“I love my son, I’ll stand by him, any day, every day.”

It later became apparent that the pregnancy announcement was yet another of Eric Omondi’s publicity stunts.

This was revealed in a video shared by blogger Edgar Obare showing a makeup artist working on Miss P’s fake pregnancy belly.

It is said that the publicity stunt was for a music video that Miss P is about to drop.

It will also be remembered that about a month ago, Miss P grabbed headlines after accusing Willy Paul of sexual assault. This was before Willy Paul went on to release a song with Juliani.

Make of that what you will, but you will agree with me that some artistes are really struggling out here and clout chasing is a dangerous disease.

If you ask me, one does not need clout if they’re really talented.

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