What Huddah Would Do for Kenyan Youth if She Were President

August 9, 2019

Believe it or not but Huddah Monroe, who was once perceived to be a bimbo on social media, is fed up with old people running the government.

In fact, Huddah has painted a dreamy picture wherein she is the first female president of Kenya. In a post on Instagram, the former nude model took issue with the unemployment situation in Kenya, especially among the youth.

“78% of Kenyans are below 35 yrs old. There are no jobs in Kenya. The government can’t give everyone a job. Private companies too can’t,” wrote Huddah.

The cosmetics entrepreneur went on to reveal her manifesto for Kenya youth in the event she was in power.

“If I was the government, na pesa yote wanaiba, I’d make sure everyone who has a great idea gets a loan, and the government owns a percentage in that business,” stated Huddah as she left her fans impressed.

She further said that time is up for old leaders and that the youth shall rule one day.

At the same time, Huddah wondered why black people are selfish.

“Why are we as Black people soooo selfish. All those who have died, we’ve buried many this year alone. Did they leave with their billions? I’ve never understood why one person would have millions, billions in their account, private jets, yachts while someone somewhere is sleeping hungry with no roof over their head????? Why can’t the people stealing money from their own people put it back into the Country And create Employment for their own people ????” Huddah posed in the post that she geotagged at ‘State House’ with the hashtags ‘#FirstFemalePresidentOfKenya’, ‘#EverybodyEats’.

Check out her full post below.


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