
“Return to Work, Kenyans are Seeking Services” CS Sicily Kariuki to Civil Servants

August 11, 2017

Civil servants have been asked to return to their work stations with immediate effect.

Public service, youth and gender affairs cabinet secretary Sicily Kariuki issued a public notice yesterday. She said the voting process is now complete and public servants should, therefore, resume to their duty stations.

“Kenyans are back to their normal business are already seeking services from the public offices.

The government is committed to ensuring the full and immediate resumption of services to the public,” she said.

“I call upon public servants to ensure that they are available in their place of work to offer the requisite services to the public,” the CS said in a statement sent to the newsrooms.

Normalcy is yet to resume in most major towns across the country with many Kenyans traveling up country to cast their votes on Tuesday.

The IEBC is yet to announce the Presidential results and a majority of Kenyans are waiting for the final tally and announcement to resume their normal lives.

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