“My Girl Left Me For Sauti Sol’s Bien Aime” – Sleepy David

March 21, 2016

sleepy davidComedian Sleepy David has revealed an interesting story about how a girl he had taken out left him and run after Sauti Sol’s Bien Aime.
Speaking to Citizen Digital, the funnyman said that he had taken the girl out to a swanky nightspot – an establishment that was also patronised by Sauti Sol.
“I had gone out with this girl, and then the Sauti Sol crew appeared. Bien is my friend, so I introduced her to him and she seemed excited,” said Sleepy David.
Her excitement did not end there. When the high flying band decided to leave the joint, the girl ran after Bien to ask for his number.
“So when kina Bien were leaving, she ran after them begging for Bien’s number. She left me sitting there to look for his digits!” the comedian explained.
Bien, being a good friend and out of respect for Sleepy David declined to give her the phone number.
Despite that, Sleepy David demoted her to the friendzone.
“She was never my girlfriend, but now we are JUST FRIENDS. Her excitement was worrying! Sasa angekutana na Justin Beiber? Tungempeleka hospitali!” he joked.
Bien reaffirmed the incident to KISS FM’s Jeff Mote.
“I was in the club minding my own business when Sleepy David came in with a girl. The girl became star-struck…So when I was leaving (the club), I went to tell them that I’m off and the chick started following me out! That’s when Sleep David started asking, ‘Babe, why are you doing this to me?’” told Bien.
He added, “Sleepy is my boy! Kwa heshima yake, sikumkatia stima!”
Additional Reporting By Citizen Digital

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