Kambua’s Farewell and Moving Tribute To Her Late Dad

April 16, 2014

kambua10On 9th April, news of Kambua father’s death rocked the country, in the same week that gospel singer Kaberere passed on. Mr Manundu had been struggling with his health but the exact cause of death is unknown to the public.
Speaking for the first time, gospel songstress Kambua bid a farewell to her beloved dad in a moving tribute. She also invited everyone to attend a memorial service at NPC Valley Road on Thursday at 2 pm and Mr Manundu’s farewell at Makindu on Saturday.
Here’s what she had to say
 “On Wed, the 9th of April heaven gained a very special angel, the man I have called daddy for almost three decades. Beyond the sadness is peace in knowing that daddy lived a full life, loved us, served people, and loved God unreservedly. Life is not the same without him, but I am so blessed to have had such a precious gift in a dad. Rest in peace daddy…dance with the angels…
Please join us on Thursday @ NPC Valley Road 2.00pm for a memorial service, and Saturday at Makindu for his farewell.
Blessings and love to you all.k”
Make your way there and join the family as the say goodbye to their beloved. Our condolences to Kambua’s family.

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