Nini Wacera Expresses Her Disappointment In Riverwood, Praises Nollywood

March 20, 2014

nini1The rate at which Kenyan actresses are moving to Nigeria is overwhelming. Just the other day, popular House of lungula actress, Lizz Njagah announced that she was moving to Lagos. She accused the Kenya Film Commission of exploiting filmmakers saying that all the commission was good at was reaping where it has not sown. Yet another film star, Nini Wacera, has expressed her disappointment in the Kenya film industry, comparing it unfavourably to Nollywood.
Nini says that Nigerian directors are serious with what they do and have perfected the art of low budget filmmaking.
“I love Nigeria. The experience is intense and high pressured. The directors are very keen on what they need to achieve and I am amazed at the fact that they have mastered the art of easy storytelling, law production costs and a high turnover. They love to work under pressure and my time shooting Kona prepared me for this,” she said.
She also added that Nollywood was fast paced and less chaotic as compared to Riverwood.
“Nollywood is fast paced all the time. It’s intense. I’ve heard actors I’m hanging out with get random job confirmations which means it’s busy. Nairobi has an undercover busy scene and if you don’t know the underground scene, one is easily left out. It’s also rough and sometimes everyone is screaming at everyone else. It takes a lot of adjusting,” she concluded.
Additional reporting by vibe weekly.

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