22 Things You Did Not Know About JB Masanduku

March 31, 2014

jb2JB Masanduku is definitely one of the top comedians in Kenya at the moment. His delivery of jokes is top notch and he is a crowd favorite. Like most people in the limelight he has not missed his share of controversy after rumors spread that he was in an abusive relationship, with radio presenter Tina Kaggia reportedly battering him.
Despite all these JB Masanduku, real name Nathan Kimani, has not let that affect him and he continues to leave people in stitches wherever he goes. Masanduku revealed details about his life like his first kiss and his dream girl and a rather hilarious advice.
Here are things you did not know about Junior Box.

  1. He first kissed a girl when in Class Two. Her Name was Evelyne.
  2. His first drink was in Form 1 term 1 while at Starehe Boys Centre
  3. He got his first girlfriend studying in Russia in 2008, her name was Veronicah
  4. His first car was a Mazda Demio
  5. The first college he attended was Belgorod State Technological University. Studied Double Major in Civil and Structural Engineering
  6. His first moment of fame was at the recording of Vioja Mahakamani with his dad. He was supposed to be in the audience but got carried away and ran to his dad.
  7. His best advice : You don’t have to go to school if you don’t want to, just believe in yourself and buy a school.
  8. His favourite cologne is Noir by Tom Ford
  9. His favourite designer is Carolina Herrera
  10. His favorite local designer is John Kaveke
  11. His best experience was during his first stand up dubbed The Hot Seat, apparently he was supposed to perform for One and half hours but got carried away and performed for Two and a half.
  12. His best friend besides wife Tina Kaggia is his Associate and Business partner
  13. He gets his inspiration from his late dad
  14. His best moment at work is when his fans are screaming,clapping and shouting rather than just laughing
  15. His dream car has to be something big like a Toyota Land Cruiser or a VX
  16. His dream City is Amsterdam
  17. His dream experience would have to be traveling around the world in 80 days
  18. His dream girl is has to be pretty. Someone he can stare at and not be distracted.
  19. He is in his dream job but would be jazzed if it paid like the UN
  20. His favorite musician is Octopizzo
  21. His favorite song is Nickelback’s If today was your last day
  22. His worst moment was when he had to crack jokes to a sad crowd after Churchill had left the stage from commemorating the passing of Wanjiru

Additional reporting by Niaje

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