Judge Ian Clears Hospital Bill For Sick Woman And Pays School Fees For Her Daughter

September 13, 2013

If you thought Tusker Project Fame Judge, Ian Mbugua had no heart, this is for you.

On Wednesday, the no-nonsense judge took to Facebook to help raise money for a Thika family that has had a string of bad luck.
The mother was admitted at Thika Level 5 hospital following a motor cycle accident. She was discharged by the doctors but a bill of Sh55,000 had her detained. 
Her husband was also unwell, and their daughter was home due to lack of school fees.

This was Ian’s post on Wednesday.

Friends, this is a plea for help. A family in Thika needs financial assistance. The mother has been in Level 5 Hospital following a motorcycle accident. She has been discharged but is being held till her bill of close to 55,000/= is cleared. The husband is unwell, a younger daughter is home due to lack of fees. Older sister is unable to assist as she jobless. She had to abandon her studies in Uganda due to these challenges. I plan to visit the family on Saturday to help where I can. Kindly mpesa me 0722 700 449 whatever you can to ensure mum leaves hospital and daughter goes back to school. Would also appreciate a job for elder sister. Foodstuff also most welcome. I will post outcome here. God bless.

Despite being dismissed by a number of those commenting as an imposter, it turns out the good judge raised enough, because yesterday he posted this.

Friends, today I visited Mrs. Ann W Maina in ward 2 bed 1 of level 5 hospital in Thika. Thanks to your generosity I cleared her bill, bought her crutches and arranged her transport home. Tonight she will sleep in her own bed at home after 4 months in hospital. I then went to younger daughter’s school, Kenyatta Girls, and got her bill for this term and next year, and KCSE exams. This will be cleared by next week. I am still going to visit the family on Saturday to take foodstuffs. The elder daughter is doing computer packages at KIM in Thika and desperately needs a job. God richly bless you

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