Are Prezzo’s Days At BBA Coming To An End? A Look At How Africa Voted.

July 9, 2012

Prezzo Was Just One Vote Short Of Eviction.

prezzo bba
Prezzo’s days down south seem to be increasingly numbered considering the many shoulders he has rubbed the wrong way. Articles on Prezzo generate the most responses online and unfortunately many of those who comment can’t wait for the day he leaves the house. The seriousness of the situation was revealed last night. Kenya’s Malonza was unlucky to be evicted but it now looks as though Prezzo may be headed that way should he be nominated this week.
Prezzo and Kyle tied at second last with 2 votes. Kenyans chose Prezzo over Malonza who got only one vote (from Zambia). This is how Africa voted.
Angola: Junia
Botswana: Lady May
Ghana: Goldie
Kenya: Prezzo
Liberia: *Goldie / Lady May
Malawi: Kyle
Namibia: Lady May
Nigeria: Goldie
South Africa: Lady May
Sierra Leone: Lady May
Tanzania: Prezzo
Uganda: Kyle
Zambia: Malonza
Zimbabwe: Lady May
Rest of Africa: Goldie

Total: Lady May = 5.5; Goldie = 3.5, Prezzo = 2, Kyle = 2, Malonza = 1, Junia = 1. (Total: 15 Votes)
*Goldie and Lady May shared a vote for Liberia. 


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