Check Out All The Goodies Tahidi High’s Omosh Has Received

February 16, 2021

One thing that is unquestionable about Kenyans is without a doubt their generosity. Time and again, Kenyans have restored faith in humanity by coming through for people in need.

The latest personality to receive overwhelming support is former Tahidi High star actor Joseph Kinuthia Kamau alias Omosh.

Last week, the comedy actor went public about his predicament revealing he was out of work and out of money and needed help.

Read More: Tahidi High’s Omosh Living in Abject Poverty, Sheds Tears and Begs for Sh200 a Day Casual Job

A few days later, Omosh, who was willing to get a job that would pay Sh200 per day, has had his fortunes change overwhelmingly.

Comedian Jalang’o, who last October helped Lolani Kalu bounce back from a similar plight, took it upon himself to help Omosh get back on his feet, and he has duly delivered.

In an update on his socials on Sunday, Jalas revealed that his friends in high places had already raised over Sh1 million shillings.

In addition to cash amounting to Sh1, 050, 000, the donations also included household items, shopping vouchers, and more.

The father of five has also received a free 40×80 plot plus 50 bags of cement courtesy of ZeroHero properties.

Here is a list of the goodies raised by Jalang’o.

1. My guys from @safvicfurnitureenterprises are giving me a bed, seats and a Tv table

2. My Guys from @quickmartkenya are giving me a 20k shopping voucher for him and his family

3. Incoming senator Tranzoia county @allanchesang is giving me 100K

4. My able chairman @jamal_rohosafi is also giving me 100k

5. Omosh ako na madeni rent yake watu wa @mwananchi_creditltd wamesema they will clear that is 100k

6. I called my brother @joho_001 akasema from that 1million for 1 million followers atatoa 100k

7. My team from Chandaria led by my boss @darshanchandaria amesema 100k yake nichukue kesho jioni

8. The real boss himself who made us who we are Ww…Waruru wachira! Boss himself has promised me another 100k

7. Team Miale @mialle72 have said that 50k will not be bad

8. #JengaNaAlexNaJalas @alex_na_jalas 50k

9. My guy called Titan from @jamexexpress has promised me 50k

10. The best sauce in town @kensauceofficial wamesema 100k is fine!

11. @trippygotours Nakujia 50k kesho

12. My guys from the best biscuit @yegobakers wamesema kesho nipitie nichukue 50k haraka saana




13.@adansonko …my brother is giving me 50k

14. SOMALI BAE @honalinur 50k”

An overwhelmed Omosh, who has since started a YouTube channel to showcase his talent, posted a message thanking well-wishers.

“Thank You

“First and foremost, I want to Thank God. Yeye ndo Kila Kitu…I know there are people out there, hata wengine mko diaspora, story yangu iliwatouch and you have been sending something on M-Pesa. I really want to thank you.

Jalang’o I lso want to thank you. Thinking of how you can help me, hiyo heart God amekupatia azikukuongezea. God will expand your territories. To all my friends wale wanaendele kunisaidia, I really don’t know how to thank you all. Nilikuwa situation ingine mbaya sana but at least now I can afford a smile. Although mnaona sai nalia but this are tears of joy and happiness.

I never knew I had so many friends, althrough others wanaongea vibaya kunihusu…but sasa kama singeongea mngenisaidia. Thank you so much and God bless you,” said Omosh.


“I am with tears of Happiness. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who is supporting me. I am with tears of Joy and I don’t take it for granted.

May God in heaven bless you and your families. May He fulfill your dreams.

Mbarikiwe sana.

“Thank you zerohero properties for giving me a piece of land @zeroheropropertiesltd I thank God I now have a land I can call mine. This is one of the best present I have ever received. I am so humbled. manze nashukuru God sana.

Thanks to everyone who is Supporting. All glory to God”

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