Here’s Why Bishop Kiuna Won’t Be Joining Politics

December 18, 2020

Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) head preacher Bishop Allan Kiuna has ruled out ever becoming a politician.

The celebrity preacher said politics is troublesome compared to the peace that serving God brings.

“Why would I ever want to join politics? There are so many troubles there. I do not know what would make somebody who is having such wonderful people want to join politics,” he told Word Is.

The clergyman added that even if he were granted a political position, he would turn it down due to the dirty “politricks” associated with politics.

He mentioned that he is happy doing God’s work, which he said is less stressful than serving people.

I am so happy doing what God has called me to do. I am content living my life quietly as a minister. I have no stress with anyone and I can go to any place I want. You know when you join politics, it’s like you donate your life for other people.”

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