Kenyans Spend Over One Billion To Buy Ideos Smart Phone. Inflation may be going up with everyone striking or wanting to strike but this is not stopping Kenyans from having some fun. Huawei has December 13, 2011 Business·tech news
Jennifer Lopez opens Largest Mall In Africa Morocco recently opened the largest shopping mall in Africa and top five largest in the world. The shopping mall has been under construction since December 6, 2011 Business·Entertainment·featured·music and entertainment
nairobi wire app Now Available In Ovi Store. If you own a phone, you can now get the stories you love straight to your phone without much loading required. The official nairobi June 10, 2011 Business·music and entertainment·News·Sports·tech news·TV
Play The Google Guitar, Record and Listen Forever. During the celebration of Les Paul 96th birthday, google dsigned its best doodle ever and the reception was WOW!. googlers around the world tried June 10, 2011 Business·music and entertainment·News·tech news
Raid And Baygon To Buy Kiwi The brand name kiwi, manufactured locally by Sara lee Kenya is to be sold to the manufacturers of insecticides Raid and Baygon, SC Johnson. June 8, 2011 Business·News
The Terms Facebook and Twitter Now Prohibited On French TV It’s now a crime to mention the words Facebook or Twitter on France Television. TV personality can only mention the two names only if June 4, 2011 Business·News·tech news·TV
The Pirate Bay: Can Be Shut Down Anytime Arguably the biggest source of movies and series for pirates, Pirate Bay has been taking Kenya by storm for quite some time now. whatever May 31, 2011 Business·music and entertainment·News·tech news·TV
Have You Heard of BAKE Bake is the new kid on the online scene in Kenya. It was set up with the mandate of bringing together Kenyan bloggers. Some May 28, 2011 Business·News·tech news
Funny Newspaper Headlines Everyday the world is filled with humour and laughter from different sources and the best source to find it has been on newspapers. Some April 30, 2011 Business·News