Civil Society Groups Concerned Over Teenage Orgies and Drug Abuse in Nairobi

March 15, 2024

Civil Society groups have sounded the alarm over cases of promiscuity and drug abuse involving teenagers in Nairobi, amid concerns that the trend could escalate the rates of sexual infections.

They said that the new trend, which garnered notoriety after the government imposed lockdowns to curb the spread of COVID-19 infections, risks undermining the progress made in reducing new sexual infections in the country.

According to Robert Aseda, the head of programs at the Network for Adolescents and Youth of Africa, sex orgies among young people have emerged as a major concern in the battle against infections such as HIV/AIDS.

Asaeda stated that since the Covid-imposed lockdowns, young people have been enticed into these orgies, combined with drug and substance abuse, in exchange for ‘fun’ and money, thereby exposing their health to risks.

The lobbyist stated that new trends and research indicate that young people are engaging in sexual activities at an early age, leading to a significant increase in teenage abortions, early pregnancies, and gender-based violence.

To address these emerging concerns, Aseda announced that Nairobi will implement a three-year County Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health framework, which will include the rollout of youth-friendly centers catering to their health needs.

He commended Nairobi for investing in over 120 youth-friendly health facilities to address the needs of its adolescent population.

Aseda emphasized that these centers will provide a conducive environment where young people can freely seek counseling sessions, mental health advice, and HIV and sexually transmitted infection testing, contributing to a healthier population.

Meanwhile, Dollarman Natse from the Centre for the Study of Adolescence lamented the increase in murder, suicides, and femicide cases affecting young people, emphasizing the need for more awareness creation to reverse this concerning trend.

Naste highlighted that the rise in HIV infection has been a challenge among the youth, attributed to emerging sexual trends such as unprotected early sexual contact.

“We are calling for more budgetary allocations from Nairobi County to drive and create more awareness campaigns among young people on gender-based violence, HIV, and femicide to curb increased incidences,” said Naste.

As a result, Naste mentioned that in partnership with Nairobi County and other collaborators, they have already begun utilizing social media platforms to reach and disseminate information addressing young people’s sexual and reproductive health concerns.

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