‘Enda Therapy…’ Nameless Hits Out At Fan For Questioning Daughter’s Paternity

February 3, 2023

Celebrity singer Nameless continues to prove that he is not in the least bothered by online trolls that try to drag him through the mud.

The veteran singer has a habit of responding to trolls and putting them in their place, and he did it again recently after a “fan” came at him on Facebook.

Nameless had shared a photo of him hanging out with his thirdborn daughter Shiru on a couch when drama erupted.

Tunaitanga hii “the princess throne” sittingStyle, used to keep the baby and dad safe, secure and comfortable ! 😎😎😜 Keep it here for other innovative secure baby carrying and sitting positions.😂😂🤛🏾😎,” the singer captioned the image.

A troll commented on the photo, supposedly advising Nameless to ascertain he is the biological father.

Mtoto mweupe wewe na bibi weusi titititi! Mtoto alitoa wapi weupe??? DNA is needed urgently. Shida y’a kupata mtoto uzeeni, you aren’t interested with the baby. The way you are holding the baby, you don’t care. Sura yako na ya huyo mtoto hazi ambatani. Maskia ya mtoto na yako haifanani, mapua na mdomo ya mtoto haikufanani. How will you convince us mtoto ni wako?? No wonder you are not interested ku mu hold with care. Acha kulea mtoto wa another man. Truth hurts! Mkimaliza matusi muende kazini. Wale wataleta feelings hapa most ni ladies, coz wana force men kulea watoto sio wao. Wale men mtaleta feelings hapa mnalea watoto sio wenu! DNA ni cheap now go and do the test,” the cyberbully yapped.

In response, Nameless played it cool as he usually does, and advised the online troll to seek therapy.

“Hii lazima ni fake pseudo account…Look at this one now…What are you even saying. Enda therapy wewe,” Nameless wrote.

He went on: “You just need a little love and direction and you will be fine. Ningekusaidia lakini yako needs professional help. Alafu onyesha daktari hii comment yako atakupatia dawa ya hii ugonjwa.”


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