
How To Apply For Chief Administrative Secretary Positions

October 13, 2022

The Public Service Commission (PSC) has invited eligible candidates to apply for the position of Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS).

In a notice on Wednesday, October 12, PSC Chairman Anthony Muchiri said the applications are open till 27th October 2022 at 5:00 pm.

“Following the establishment of the Office of the Chief Administrative Secretary by H.E the President under Article 132(4) (a) of the Constitution as read with Section 30 of the Public Service Commission Act, 2017, the Public Service Commission hereby invites applications from suitably qualified persons who wish to be considered for appointment,” the notice read in part.

Requirements for CAS Appointment
  • One must be a Kenyan citizen and should hold a bachelor’s degree from a university recognized in Kenya.
  • They must also demonstrate the ability to manage the administrative-political interface as well as possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Candidates are also required to demonstrate ability to articulate public policies and programmes as well as undertake complex and high-pressure tasks that require engagements with multi-institutions and other public officers
  • They should also demonstrate knowledge and application of national values as well as values and principles of public service
  • PSC also requires candidates to have demonstrable knowledge and application of good governance; and Meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
How To Apply

“Each application should be accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae, copies of relevant academic and professional certificates and transcripts, National Identity Card or Passport, testimonials and other relevant supporting documents,” Muchiri said.

“All applications should be clearly marked “Application for the position of Chief Administrative Secretary” and submitted in any ONE of the following ways: (i) Hand delivered to Commission House, off Harambee Avenue, Nairobi. (ii) Posted to the following address: The Secretary/CEO Public Service Commission Commission House P.O. Box 30095-00100 NAIROBI.”

Interested applicants are also required to get clearance from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Higher Education Loans Board (HELB), Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) and registered Credit Reference Bureau Applicants.

Applicants have been asked to submit copies of the aforementioned clearance certificates with the application.

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