How Can Medical Hemp Help Treat Chronic Fatigue?

October 6, 2022

Are you experiencing symptoms of extreme exhaustion? Have you tried resting, but the tiredness won’t go away?

While there are various treatment options for this condition, hemp and marijuana chronic fatigue medication show promising prospects.

Many patients are turning to natural remedies to ease the condition’s painful effects and extreme weariness. Some even cultivate their own medical hemp or high-yield weed seeds to
ensure they always have a stash available.

Can marijuana treat chronic fatigue syndrome, and does hemp help in any way? Keep reading to discover the answer.

What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is an illness with various symptoms, but the main one is extreme exhaustion. The tiredness lasts for at least six months and could be due to
underlying medical issues.

The condition may worsen with mental or physical activity, but it doesn’t improve with rest. It’s sometimes known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and is commonly abbreviated as ME/CFS.

The cause of CFS remains unknown, although some theories assert psychological stress or viral infections as the origin. Some experts believe it might arise from multiple factors.

Patients undergo several tests to eliminate other health issues with similar effects. Treatments mainly include improving the symptoms through sleeping aids or painkillers.

While the signs of CFS vary from one person to the next, they typically include:

● Extreme exhaustion
● Unfulfilling sleep
● Focus, memory, and concentration difficulties
● Dizziness that escalates with movement
● Headaches
● Sore throat
● Muscle or joint pain

If you experience any of these symptoms frequently, see a doctor. Overlooking this condition may affect your quality of life and might even cause complications like depression and social isolation.

Hemp and Cannabis as Natural Treatment Alternatives

Can medical marijuana be beneficial for chronic fatigue?

With its ever-growing popularity, cannabis has various uses, both therapeutically and recreationally. Helping with CFS might be the latest in a long list of potential benefits.

Hemp offers similar advantages without the intoxicating effects. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) suggests that roughly 2.5 million Americans have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Unfortunately, most affected people go undiagnosed.

While CFS is internationally recognized as a medical condition, there are currently no FDA-approved treatments. Most options are marginally effective and may have side effects.

While experimenting and trying different solutions, some people find hemp and weed helpful.

The right prescription of medical hemp or marijuana for chronic fatigue could assist with the symptoms and improve a patient’s quality of life.

Scientific evidence on the subject is currently limited. CBD, derived from hemp and weed, is undergoing research as a natural alternative for numerous conditions. Many of which share
symptoms with ME/CFS.

CBD is the primary cannabinoid in hemp that interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). This network regulates and controls various critical functions, including sleep, pain, immune responses, and memory.

Users who turn to hemp or cannabis as treatments often grow their own CBD-rich plants. It gives them control over the bud quality, so they have premium buds for their treatment.

Can Hemp and Medical Cannabis Help Chronic Fatigue?

There’s no conclusive research regarding the use of hemp for CFS. However, since many patients report pain as an issue, the anti-inflammatory qualities of the herb may be useful.

Can medical marijuana help chronic fatigue?

Potentially, but only after speaking to a medical professional. There are primarily two types to choose from, sativa and indica, each providing distinct benefits.

Indica plants are short, stocky, and bushy with wide and broad leaves. They often contain a blend of THC and CBD.

Most patients select this option for the intense relaxing effects. Users also claim it helps reduce pain and nausea while boosting your appetite. Indica makes for a great nighttime companion thanks to its reported sedative properties.

Sativa plants are typically tall and thin with finger-like blades. They may grow as high as 12 ft and take longer to mature.

These buds produce energizing effects that may help reduce anxiety. Using this weed type may help improve productivity and creativity, making it ideal for daytime use by ME/CFS patients.

The condition manifests differently in each patient, but there are several common symptoms.

Hemp could positively impact several of these.

Poor Sleep

Sleep is crucial to mental and bodily health, yet with ME/CFS, it’s elusive. Ingesting hemp or medical cannabis might help alleviate this problem. The herb may improve sleep quality by helping you relax, providing a deep, restorative, and restful slumber.

Unexplained Pain

ME/CFS patients may often experience muscle and joint pain likely to render them bedbound.

Hemp has reported anti-inflammatory properties to help soothe the symptoms.

Medication-Induced fatigue

Sometimes, patients experience fatigue due to other medications. Drugs such as steroids, antidepressants, and sedatives induce varying exhaustion levels. Turning to medical hemp may help reduce these effects by boosting energy and productivity.

Natural Relief for ME/CFS

Doctors are yet to discover an effective treatment to manage ME/CFS. Meanwhile, patients may resort to natural alternatives like hemp or marijuana chronic fatigue medication to help cope with
their symptoms.

This therapeutic option looks promising, although research is ongoing. Why not discover more about the potential benefits of hemp and how it can improve your quality of life?

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