How Working For Wajackoyah Cost Jaymo Ule Msee Money

August 25, 2022

Content creator-turned Roots party spokesperson Jaymo Ule Msee says he did not earn money during the electioneering period due to his affiliation with presidential aspirant George Wajackoyah.

In an interview with Spice FM, Jaymo said some brands were reluctant to work with him as they did not want to associate with Wajackoyah’s controversial ideas.

The content creator however said it was a sacrifice he took willingly to fulfill his patriotic obligation.

“For them(brands), they have contracts that say if you’re participating in politics, then you cannot market their brands, so it’s also a sacrifice for me. During that period, I was not being paid but I chose to do it because it was a personal decision. I don’t want to sit back and let things go haywire and come out lamenting later on,” he said.

Jaymo said he will not compromise his values going forward and will work with like-minded companies.

“I will stand my ground and have a conversation with them. My point of reasoning will be based on the fact that active politics has lessened in order to continue a working relationship. I can assure you that I will continue to create content. When I began content creation, it was meant for the masses and not brands. They came in later when my numbers grew. 

“There are some companies that don’t have a problem with my affiliation with Wajackoyah and I will continue working with like-minded people. My patriotic obligation will not be pushed aside so that I earn a coin on the other side,” he added.

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