
Govt Employees Jailed For Forging Academic Certificates

July 7, 2022

The anti-corruption court in Kisumu has sentenced two government employees after they were found guilty of forging academic certificates.

Lilian Akoth Ochieng and Pauline Anyango Otieno forged education certificates from the Kenya Institute of Management (KIMs) and Mount Kenya University (MKU) in 2018.

The court also heard that they forged the papers in order to obtain employment as officers in the procurement division at the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (Rerec).

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) established that Lilian Akoth faked a Diploma (Purchasing and Supplies) and a Certificate (Purchasing and Supplies Management) purported to be from KIMs.

Ms Anyango on her part fabricated a Certificate in Procurement from MKU.

Following a plea agreement between the prosecution and the defense, Magistrate Teresa Odera sentenced Ms Akoth to three and a half years and Ms Anyango to two and a half years.

The court also gave them the option of paying fines of Sh228,698 for Ms Anyango and Sh271,901 for Ms Akoth.

The two are also required to return all wages they received while working with false papers.

Anyango and Akoth worked as casual employees for the State Corporation for eight years before receiving a formal job offer.

They worked in their new roles as procurement officers for two months before EACC found them out.

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