How To Apply for IEBC Elections Jobs in 2022

May 6, 2022

How to apply for IEBC jobs 2022

In April 2022, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) advertised 418,192 temporary jobs for individuals who will facilitate the successful undertaking of the General Elections slated for August 9, 2022.

All Kenyans have been called upon to apply for the positions before May 5, but applications for some positions are still accepted by the electoral body.

Already, the County and Constituency returning officers and their deputies, both in the country and abroad, have been recruited and their names gazetted, so the positions are closed for application but don’t worry, you can still apply for the IEBC jobs below:

IEBC open jobs 2022

Here are the jobs you can still apply for against the number of persons to be recruited countrywide.

* Presiding Officers – 52,481
* Deputy Presiding Officers – 52,481
* Logistics Officers – 389
* Support Electoral Trainers (SETs) – 5,827
* ICT Clerks – 580
* Polling Clerks/ Counting Clerks – 302,860
* County-Based Voter Educators – 47
* Constituency-Based Voter Educators – 290
* Ward-Based Voter Educators (2 per CAW) – 2,900

Requirements and qualifications for IEBC temporary jobs 2022

IEBC is on the move to recruit Kenyans willing to work as officials in the oncoming polls and has advertised both senior and junior positions to be filled with applicants that meet the requirements set for each capacity.

All, including the disabled, are encouraged to apply as the recruitment process is free and fair.

Can a form four leaver apply for IEBC jobs? Yes, those with a Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCSE) certificate can be employed as polling and counting clerks. Below are the conditions to be met to be enlisted for IEBC jobs 2022.

Requirements and qualifications for IEBC Presiding, Deputy Presiding officers

* Must be a Kenyan citizen not affiliated with any party
* Must be a holder of any degree or diploma from any recognized institution
* Be computer proficient
* Must be residents of the constituency or ward they are applying for
* Must have a good code of conduct
* Possess leadership, problem-solving, and decision-making skills
* Be available the whole period of conducting polls

Requirements and qualifications for IEBC Logistics Officers

* Must be a Kenyan citizen and non-partisan
* Must have a degree or a diploma in any field from a recognized institution
* Ability to interact, work or relate effectively with people
* Have a knowledge of the geographical area with a history of past logistics work
* Be computer literate
* Be a resident of the constituency or ward they apply for
* Have good report writing skills and communicate effectively

Requirements and qualifications for IEBC Support Electoral Trainers (SETs)

* Be a Kenyan citizen and uninfluenced by any political party
* Must be available in the time for conducting elections
* Posses computing skills
* Have a history of training skills
* Must be a holder of social science degree or diploma
* Be a resident of the constituency or ward in which they apply for

Requirements and qualifications for IEBC ICT Clerks

* Must be a Kenyan citizen and not affiliated with any party
* Hold a minimum of a diploma in IT and be certified
* Have a work experience of a minimum of 2 years in a busy workplace
* Be available all through the elections period
* Possess interpersonal and communication skills
* Residents of the area they apply for

Requirements and qualifications for IEBC Polling, Counting Clerks

How to apply for IEBC jobs 2022

* Must be a Kenyan citizen
* Hold a minimum KCSE certificate of C-
* Must be available when conducting elections
* Must be of good conduct
* Be residents of the constituency or ward they are applying for

Requirements and qualifications for IEBC County, Constituency-Based Voter Educators

* Have a degree in Social Sciences, Education, or Project Management
* Must have three or more years of work experience conducting civic education or social work in the area the are applying for
* Must be residents of the county they are applying for
* Must have report writing skills

How to apply for IEBC jobs 2022

Requirements and qualifications for IEBC Ward-Based Voter Educators

* Must hold a diploma in Social Sciences, Project Management, or education
* Proven three years of work experience conducting social work within the ward they are applying for
* Speak the local language of the locals in the ward they are applying for
* Have high integrity and organizational skills
* Be good in report writing

How to apply for IEBC temporary jobs 2022

Applications for IEBC jobs are done online in the following steps:

How to apply for IEBC jobs 2022

1. Visit
2. Fill in the job title that you would wish to apply
3. Enter your personal details – full names, salutation, gender, phone number, and email
4. Proceed to state your home county and constituency
5. Enter your academic qualifications and marital status
6. State your working experience
7. Enter your preferred IEBC working location
8. Submit

‘I have tried to access the IEBC website or IEBC jobs portal, and it is not working’ don’t worry, NairobiWire got you! Here is how you can access the IEBC website and apply for temporary jobs if your browser is unable to open the IEBC jobs portal:

1. Download the Opera Mini App on your phone or PC
2. Go to browser settings or copy and paste – opera://settings – in the address bar
3. Go to ‘Search Settings’ and type the word SYSTEM
4. In the System, turn on ‘Use DNS-over-HTTPS instead of the system’s DNS settings’

5. Go to the homepage, enter and apply for jobs

IEBC payments for temporary jobs 2022

IEBC will compensate each official depending on the capacity in which they are recruited. The higher the position, the more the money. The wages of those that will successfully pass the recruitment process will be calculated on a daily basis as follows:

Position Wages per day
Deputy County Returning Officers Ksh4,000
Deputy Constituency Returning Officers Ksh3,000
Presiding Officers Ksh2,000
Deputy Presiding Officers Ksh1,800
Logistics Officers Ksh1,500
Support Electoral Trainers (SETs) Ksh2,000
ICT Clerks Ksh1,500
Polling/Counting Clerks Ksh1,000
County-Based Voter Educators Ksh2,000
Constituency-Based Voter Educators Ksh1,500
Ward-Based Voter Educators (2 per CAW) Ksh1,000

The above payments will be taxable according to KRA rates set for Income Tax.

Now read: How To Be a Registered Nurse in Kenya

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