Why Beauty Queen Roshanara Ebrahim Forgave Ex for Leaking Nudes

January 21, 2022

In August 2016, Kenyan model Roshanara Ebrahim was stripped of her Miss World Kenya 2016 crown after her former boyfriend Frank Zahlten leaked her nude photos to Franchise Director Terry Mungai, CEO of Ashley Kenya Limited.

The 28-year-old, who bounce back to become Miss Universe Kenya 2021, recalled the difficult time in her life.

“I was in a relationship but it wasn’t working. He sent out my nude photos to my franchise director at the moment. I was called to the office and told it’s done. You have been dethroned….there was a lot of tears, feelings of rejection, abandonment and it was really painful because this is everything I wanted. I had worked so hard to achieve,” she said.

13 Things to Know About Miss Universe Kenya Roshanara Ebrahim

Ebrahim said she was especially pained by the lack of support from Terry Mungai.

“Another part that was really painful was, this is a lady I called mom and she was the only person who had these photos so I told her ‘mom protect me he is trying to destroy me. Have my back…'” she said.

The former Miss Nairobi County 2016 says she has since forgiven her ex-boyfriend.

“I forgave him. We speak once in a while and I wish the best for him. Forgiveness is very important lesson to learn in life because it’s not the other person but you letting go of that baggage and allowing yourself to be free and your heart open,” she explained.

“Closing your heart and holding onto negative emotions is detrimental to you, poisonous. Learning to set myself free has allowed me to step into my light which is what I hope to share for the rest of my life,” added the beauty queen.

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