We Must Continue Demanding! Martha Karua Demands Free COVID-19 Treatment For Kenyans

March 30, 2021

Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua has strongly condemned the Kenyan government for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Karua, who is emerging as the official opposition leader, said the State should bear the cost of testing and treating COVID-19 patients in all public hospitals.

Noting that the newly-imposed cessation of movement is not an end in itself, Karua argued that a majority of Kenyans have suffered from the effects of the virus and can no longer afford the high costs of treating the disease.

“The government must immediately take up the cost of testing and treatment of COVID-19 patients in all public hospitals, and avail the vaccines in all public hospitals countrywide,” she said on Monday.

According to Karua, the Jubilee Party-led government must invest heavily in the health sector and purchase COVID-19 vaccines in bulk to contain the current situation since the partial lockdown is having devastating impacts on the lives of Kenyans.

“Cessation of movement in 5 counties is in effect a lockdown of the whole country for they are a gateway to the country,” said the former Justice Minister.

Martha Karua observed that many Kenyans are likely to lose their jobs and asked the government to put in place measures to cushion them especially with the rising costs of living.

At the same time, Karua faulted the President Uhuru Kenyatta-led administration for the increase in infections saying they disregarded measures aimed at combating the spread of the coronavirus.

“It’s a case of missed opportunities and misguided efforts, by now we should be having testing capacities in all 47 counties, capacity to respond to the critically ill and we should have the benefit of improved health services countrywide,” she declared.

The former Gichugu MP also wondered why one year down the line the government has not prosecuted those who looted funds set aside to fight the pandemic.

“As Kenyans were suffering covid millionaires and billionaires were being minted. These continue to walk scot free enjoying their ill-gotten wealth while Kenyans are being ravaged by COVID-19 and ill-served by an ill-prepared health system that is unable to respond to the critically ill and unable to provide adequate vaccines.  The second lockdown provides them with more opportunities to continue looting, unless and until action is taken,” said Martha.

Karua challenged President Kenyatta to personally take charge and make sure the culprits are dealt with.

“We are reminding you for the umpteenth time, 21 days are over, we have another COVID wave and your government has not caused the arrest and prosecution of the culprits, we must continue demanding,” Karua stated.

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