Churchill Tells Comedians, Creatives, “Your Fans Are Not Your Family”

October 27, 2020

Veteran comedian Daniel Ndambuki, popularly known as Churchill, made an impassioned speech during the burial of the late Ben Maurice ‘Othuol Othuol’ Omondi on Saturday warning comedians and all creatives to stop treating their fans as family.

The Laugh Industry founder and director urged comedians to use social media to build their personal brands instead of broadcasting their personal lives.

“My word to comedians and all creatives is to stop calling your fans family. Stop waking up every morning and telling them what you are eating, what you are wearing, and know that you have a life and your family is your mum, your sibling, and relatives. Stop calling people family because the moment you stop cracking jokes, they stop following you and stop being your family,” said Churchill.

The Classic 105 radio presenter also cautioned comedians against bloggers.

“Blogs are earning through your stories. Grow your fans and money will follow you. And when you make your brand, grow it, be disciplined enough.

“Becoming a brand calls for discipline and consistency, just like the way you can be in Alliance but that does not mean you will get an A,” he said.

Churchill noted that despite being a brand in the industry, he still wakes up at 4 am to go to work.

The 42-year-old comedy trailblazer also addressed claims of mistreating comedians saying he created Churchill Show to provide opportunities for the youth to make a name for themselves.

“I’m not the government. I’m not funded by the government. I’m just a person who had a small dream and whose ambition was to change the lives of as many Kenyans as I could and make them realize their dreams.

“Let me ask you, most of you have performed high school drama festival, primary schools to the national level and it ends up in State House, have you asked yourself what happens to those talents? That is how most of the dreams die,” he said.

Churchill explained that the reason he gets blamed for comedians’ misfortunes is because ‘Churchill Show’ “is the only platform that they get to be seen”.

“Listen, I am not the government and I am not funded by the government,” he said.

His parting shot? “Just hold on and focus and make your family happy. May God bless all the comedians and I give you my blessing. Go out there and most importantly, make God happy by inspiring more talents, just like you have been given a chance.”

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