Ruto Apologises To Kenyatta Family On Behalf Of Kalenjin Community

September 10, 2020

Former Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto has apologised to the First Family on behalf of the Kalenjin community over recent remarks by MPs Johanna Ng’eno and Oscar Sudi.

According to Ruto, the remarks by Emurua Dikirr MP and his Kapseret counterpart against the Kenyatta family should not be misconstrued to be the position of the community.

“We were shocked and surprised and we never expected that to come from them since they have never come into close contact with the Kenyatta family,” said Ruto during a presser at his Tumoi home in Chepalungu on Wednesday.

“As leaders from the community we want to sincerely apologise to the nation at large, family of Kenyatta and anyone oto whom utterances were directed at or may have offended,” he added.

At the same time, the Chama Cha Mashinani Party leader called on Deputy President William Ruto to rein in his ‘errant’ allies whom he claimed have continued to tarnish the reputation of the Kalenjin community.

He noted that despite several warnings to desist from hate speech, the same leaders have continued to willfully engage in it.

“As leaders, we differ politically. Even I sometimes differ on some issues with some leaders but I have never abused or insulted anyone…that is a thing of the past which should not happen now as it will take us to the dark ages when communities used to fight,” said Ruto.

He added: “We are now a civilised nation with proper governance structures. We have a President now, we will do an election in 2022 and whoever Kenyans elect we expect peace to continue.”

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