
Governor Sonko’s New Title Declared Illegal

September 18, 2020

No sooner had Mike Sonko basked in the glory of his coronation as Patron of the Kenya Scouts Association in Nairobi County than he was stripped of his new title.

The Nairobi governor was last week Friday formally adopted as a member of the Kenya Scouts Association, and even named the representative of the World Scouts Parliamentary Union at the Council of Governors.

During his coronation, Sonko was adorned with the full scout uniform complete with a symbolic scarf and a brown wide-brimmed hat.

“This is an instrument you can use as a bandage when you have injuries,” said Nairobi County Scouts Commissioner Alice Kihungi as she put the scar around Sonko’s neck.

“When it is raining, this hat will act as an umbrella. When it is hot, it will cover you from the hot sun. It is also symbolic of protection, a symbol of leadership. You are a national leader and our governor,” added Kihungi.

Days later, however, the Kenya Scouts Association (KSA) has trashed the installation of Sonko as the Nairobi County Scout Patron.

In a statement, former Cabinet Secretary Jacob Kaimenyi, who is the chair of the Kenya Scout Association, and Victor Radido, the Chief Commissioner and chair of the National Scout Board, said the coronation was illegal.

The National Scout Board said it had not approved Sonko’s installation which also failed to meet other critical requirements.

They said the approval for installation of National and County Leaders as Volunteer leaders of the Kenya scouts association is a preserve of the National Scout Board.

“The approval must be conducted in accordance with the Kenya Scouts Association constitution and other standard operating procedures which include meeting set criteria,” a statement read in part.

“An installation ceremony is a solemn scout ceremony and must be officiated by either the sitting chief commissioner or, in his absence, a National Commissioner of the Kenya Scouts Association who he/she must have delegated the task to.”

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