
Man Kills Wife’s Lover After Catching Them In The Act

July 28, 2020

Police in Bomet are holding a man who killed his wife’s lover on Sunday at Kapwen trading centre in Chepalungu Sub-County.

According to reports, the suspect suspected his wife was having an illicit affair and laid a trap to catch the two red-handed. On the material day, the man broke down the door of a lodging room and found his wife and her lover in the act.

Enraged and armed with a dagger, the man attacked the two, fatally stabbing his love rival. His wife sustained minor injuries on her forehead.

The deceased reportedly died on the way to the hospital having sustained multiple stab wounds in his stomach, chest, thighs and head among other parts.

The suspect then surrendered himself to the police after irate members of the public threatened to lynch him.

The body of the deceased was been moved to Longisa Referral hospital mortuary.

Itembe sub-location Assistant Chief Samson Kirui confirmed the incident saying police are handling the matter and the suspect will be charged with murder. He also cautioned members of the public against taking the law in their own hands.

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