Top 10 Key Points to Keep in Mind When Setting up a New Blog

January 31, 2020

There’s a lot to learn about setting up and running a website, of course, which is why, we guess, most beginners tend to put their faith in a web designer, or webmaster, and allow them to get on with it assuming all will go well. That’s abig mistake pal!

It’s the worst case when you find out things are not getting better but worse after spending a lot of money. Frankly speaking, that was the case with our company too and it took 04 long years to build a strong online presence.

Of course, because you manage and develop a new company that requires a tremendous amount of time and effort, you don’t need to worry too much about the website’s popularity at first. We believe it is just as important to give ample time to understand how a website is being created, marketed and managed along with all the other several aspects of a new business.

In the past, most new business owners, including ourselves, felt that everything would be perfect just by getting a website and an online presence and a webmaster. It would surely followed by visitors, revenues and increase exponentially. Nah, it isnot like that!

The pace of change online is probably faster than most entrepreneurs know, so if you’re going to build a platform and do some fair level of business from it, you’ve got to study and learn a lot of fundamentals.

Following are the 10 key points that should be in your mind when setting up a website:


Keyword work should really begin before you start building your page, because it can help with selecting a good domain name and help with the titles and context of your posts.

New and fresh material 

New and fresh material relevant to your prospective sector is a must. Also, it must be published quite frequently. This is perhaps the most crucial aspect to creating a page in terms of getting successful search engine results unless you are a very large company with an in-house webmaster. Webmaster must need to use a plagiarism checker free tool in order to make sure that the content they post is plagiarism free. 

A piece of content is either original or plagiarized. There is nothing in between. It cannot be said that written content is almost original or almost plagiarism free. Manual proofreading reduces the chances of submitting copied content. However, they are not eliminated completely. Suppose that you need to write a 2000-word blog on “Digital Product Promotion” and the time span available is one day. Ideally almost 60 to 70 percent of the time is spent on checking websites and arranging for relevant material. Now, when you are done with paraphrasing, an additional time slot will be spent on performing the last check. This has to be done when you are not using a rewriting tool. 

To ensure that the content does not include copied material, you would go through what you have compiled. This activity actually does not pay off. One problem is that you may accidently ignore a content section that has not been rephrased. It does happen that rewritten content may seem plagiarism free but that may not be the case. Complete assurance can be attained only after you have used an online tool for this purpose. 

Writing new pages 

Writing new pages can be extremely time-consuming, and unless you have a reasonable S.M.S. kit built to allow you to become your own webmaster, it is very likely that you will start to neglect the sluggish yet inexorable drop, resulting in Zero traffic.

Create the page

Create the page by all means, but make sure you’re your own webmaster, take the do’s and don’ts SEO course. You really need the facilities to track what’s going on inside your blog. When you skip this vital aspect of building a website, you’re likely to lose confidence and stop creating ideas and material.

Learning to write

Learning to write the content is another essential skill to be fine-tuned and trust us, even if it seems a little worrisome to begin with, once you’ve begun it will become easier with each passing day. Looking at the service of other websites and their quality level can help you along the road.

Articles on your experience field

Articles on your experience field, submitted to a variety of credible directories, will get you recognized almost instantly and begin to build reputation. These articles later can be modified to be used as web pages and on a never-ending basis. Besides, they will provide ideas for new material. In the recent past, it has been our observation that multiple posts on same idea with different strategies can have a very beneficial effect on the results of search engines. You can never have too much of reputation if you stop coming up with new ideas on your subject.

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization, a very fancy term! This is a thorny subject and one best left to the professionals because it operates behind the scenes. Nonetheless, we believe that the best results come from fresh and original material that is frequently posted to your website. Also ensure you address some of the Common technical SEO problems.

A newsletter 

A newsletter is a very good way to encourage access to your page to build your list of members that you can eventually turn into clients, customers and revenues. It can be through a free mini course or eBook or provide an invitation for your guests to part with their e-mail address. Offering a free copy of a full chapter is something worth considering in the case of your newly published E-Book and is a very popular technique.

That’s all part of the process of creating reputation. Once you’re used to regular posts on your freshly set up website, it should be pretty easy to produce a newsletter without too much pressure.

For many website owners 

For many website owners who would like to see a rise in targeted traffic, we believe a Business Blog is the path forward. These are easy to set up and have the advantage of being almost instantaneous. One of the best things that can help you become more professional as a webmaster, using your own website, is that learning the basics of JavaScript.

You can practice by adding and subtracting code from a blog post to the content of your blog and see the result immediately in the preview pane. Also, being used to reading certain websites’ source code and seeing how they’re doing it will give you much motivation.

Command is the key to success

Command is the key to success when improving a webmaster’s skills. In a follow-up post on the observations of a complete blog beginner, you’ll look at some of the more interesting facts, figures and events that will lead you where you want to go and add to your website’s growth. So be prepared to devote plenty oftime and don’t demand dollars to throughout next six months when starting a new website!


Setting up a new website neither difficult nor easy. It all depends how and from where do you start a blog. If you are setting up a blog only for income purpose than you may get disappointed in a few days or months and quit the blogging. On the other hand, if you are starting a blog because you want to share the knowledge, then there are high chances you can go for it for a longer period and eventually ended earning money through it. 

Author Bio:

Working as a content auditor, Jackson keil have 5 years of experience of writing articles on Tech, SEO, Sports, Software testing and Health Care. He loves travelling and reading. He successfully manage a team of content marketing at Prepostseo

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