PHOTOS of Mombasa Tycoon Ali Punjani’s Magnificent House

August 14, 2019

Suspected drug trafficker and Mombasa tycoon Ali Punjani has been all over the news this week.

His massive house in Mombasa was raided by the police earlier in the week, reportedly with an aim to arrest him and confiscate any drugs found.

“We believe this house has been used to sell drugs,” Mombasa Police Commander Johnstone Ipara said.

Punjani was a close friend of the Akashas’, who are currently awaiting sentencing for drug trade.

Punjani was not found during the Monday raid, with police ordering him to surrender himself immediately. However, it later emerged that he has been in India all along for heart treatment.

The police arrested 3 foreigners, among them his Nepalese 3rd wife Karki Suhmija, and took them to Nyali Police Station.

After a 6-hour search of the property, 3 rolls of bhang were recovered.

Following the raid, Kenyans were for the first time given a look inside the lifestyle of the suspected Narco. While many of us contend with tiny houses, his house is as massive as it is stunning.

Have a look.

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