Man Who Took Loans Worth 150K Using Stolen Phone Charged in Court

June 25, 2019

A man has been presented in court for allegedly stealing a mobile phone and using it to take loans from several money lending apps.

The suspect – Evance Okech Adero – appeared before Principal Magistrate M. Nanzushi on Monday. He was accused of borrowing over Kes150,000 from mobile money lenders such as Tala, M-Shwari, KCB M-Pesa and Fuliza.

The Court heard that he later sent the money to his personal M-Pesa account. The accused allegedly stole a mobile phone worth Kes30,000 at Koinange street in Nairobi on April 10, 2019. He was arrested on June 21, 2019.

Magistrate Nanzushi heard that Mr Okech used the stolen gadget to commit electronic fraud by unlawfully transferring money borrowed from financial institutions to his M-Pesa account and that of Sandra Jepchumba Kemboi.

The suspect pleaded not guilty to counts of electronic fraud and stealing. He was consequently released on Kes200,000 cash bail or alternative bond of Kes400,000.

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