
IG Bans Unauthorised Police Roadblocks in New Anti-graft Measures

June 20, 2019

Traffic police officers will no longer mount roadblocks or conduct traffic checks on highways without approval from above, IG of Police Hillary Mutyambai has ordered.

In a statement to newsrooms Wednesday, the National Police Service said roadblocks will henceforth be erected only with the express authority of a regional commander. The checkpoints and roadblocks on Kenyan highways must also be justified and rationalised, the IG ordered.

IG Mutyambai said the move is aimed at streamlining traffic management, which will see regional and formation commanders directly responsible for traffic affairs in areas under their control.

“The streamlining is already on course as can be confirmed by the number of checks currently in place from Mombasa to Malaba,” read the police statement.

By Wednesday evening, traffic officers had already complied and removed roadblocks and checkpoints from highways across the country.

The move will come as a relief to Kenyan motorists following numerous complaints about traffic officers who use checkpoints as cash cows to extort money.

At the same time, the IG has urged motorists to desist from engaging in corrupt activities, as the National Police Service seeks to redeem the department’s tarnished reputation.

The police headquarters said this “calls for both parties to not only desist from corrupt activities but to also stand against such by reporting them to relevant authorities.”

We call upon all Kenyans of goodwill to support us by obeying the law and avoid in corrupt activities on our roads,” said the IG.

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