
It’s Life in Prison for Kenyan Student Who Raped Fellow Kenyan in India

April 10, 2019

A Kenyan student in India will spend the rest of his life behind bars after he was found guilty of raping a Kenyan woman in 2016.

26-year-old Eric Mulinge Nethuli, who was studying Masters in Business Administration at a private college, was accused of raping a 22-year-old fellow student.

The Hindu newspaper reports that the victim was also a student in the same college and had reportedly invited Mulinge for dinner at her place when the rape ordeal happened.

The woman first reported the incident at Ammapettai All Women Police Station.

A court in Mahila in the Southern state of Tamil Nadu sentenced Mr Mulinge to six-and-half years of imprisonment and life imprisonment – all to be served concurrently.

The accused was also fined Sh25,323 (17,500 rupees).

Mulinge has been locked up in Puzhal prison, where he will serve his

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