10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About KTN TV Presenter Chero

February 5, 2018

Born Carolyn Chero Oywa but known to many as Chero, the KTN TV host is most notable for hosting the Str8up Live entertainment show.

She was born in Bomet but was raised in the United States where she spent most of her teenage life. Before returning to the motherland, she had just completed a course in medicine at the Montgomery College in Maryland.

“I came on a trip and fell in love with Kenya because the people were warm and life wasn’t as fast like in the states,” she said in a past interview.

“Soon after coming to Nairobi, I used to turn up so hard till it got boring. This one time I decided to go to Mavuno Church for a service and that was when my love for the arts and screens started.”

Besides presenting, she is also the show’s producer, and MC and a fashionista.

Here are 10 interesting things you probably didn’t know about Chero aka Chero Pie.

1. First date was when I was 13 years. He was 17. We went to the park and had these long awkward moments.

2. I can sing Karaoke so well and I actually host Karaoke singing sessions.

3. I earned my first money by braiding basketball players back in the United States. I was making about 20 dollars.

 4. I hate men who don’t support their children.

5. I love adventure.

6. I love ugali and mrenda.

7. I seem to trust people too much; I sort of give everyone the benefit of the doubt before engaging with them.

8. It was during my first date that this guy tried to kiss me. I had never experienced a kiss and all I can say it was awful; it was a shocker.

9. My greatest fear is making the wrong move, like parting ways with someone I love especially if I hurt them.

10. My most embarrassing moment was this day when my auntie cut off my Foxy Brown hair look for lying. The next day, everyone was laughing at me in school.

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