King Kaka Opens Up About Campus Life at KCA University

July 3, 2017

High-flying Kenyan rapper King Kaka is without a doubt doing well for himself this year.

The ‘Life na Adabu’ rapper recently added the title columnist’ to his accolade as he continues to cast his net wider as one of the most influential role models to the youths.

Read: King Kaka Makes Debut as a Columnist in Local Newspaper

The self-proclaimed corporate hustler spoke to the Standard about his campus life.

Here are the excerpts:

Which college/university did you attend?
I went to KCA University.

What did you major in?

I skipped classes…
Only when it was necessary not because it was hard. I skipped because I had to take care of something at home or I got a deal that couldn’t wait.

The worst lecturer was…
Mr Ndegwa. He didn’t really like me. I once got to class after him and he sent me away yet someone else came in after me and they were allowed to get in.

Toughest unit…
I really did not have a tough unit. I liked learning and it came easy to me.

Passing exams meant…
I used to study a few days before the exams started. Please note I am a quick learner and I would not advocate for one to do this. Do what suits you.

Your best campus experience was?
I loved doing exams. I know it is kind of weird, but exams gave me a kind of adrenaline rush.

Dating experience…
I had just met Betty and I was deeply in love with her. You might know her from my song ‘Dodoma’.

What did you hate about campus?
Campus came at a time when I had just started music and I preferred going to the studio than going to class.

If you could change anything about your campus experience what would it be?
I wouldn’t change a thing. Campus days were one of the best moments I had.

What would you do differently given the chance to go back to campus?
Create more memorable moments.

To make some extra cash during campus meant…
I was among the people who introduced art on t-shirts. I could paint your face on a t-shirt. I used to draw on t-shirts and sell to other students or through my two shops at Imenti and in River Road.

Campus friends…
I am in contact with only a few. Life happens and people grow.

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