PHOTOS – Here’s The Pretty Lightskin Matatu ‘Makanga’ Plying the Rongai Route

March 3, 2016

rongaSpotting a female tout(makanga as they are locally referred to), is not something new or surprising in the country. Some ladies in the country truly believe that what a man can do, a woman can do better. We applaud them!
There is a new female tout who is all the rave on the interwebs and it is clear to see why. The lass is pretty and lightskinned, a combination that most people would not expect in that line of work.
The girl plies the Rongai route.
This just goes to show that there are girls in this country, albeit few, who understand that a girl can make money without having to bed old ‘wazees’ and married men. She should serve as inspiration.
Check her out.
Which reminds me of this mzungu tout spotted some years back
tout3Both doing important work compared to these two

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