REVEALED!! The Lad Who Was Set To Marry Citizen TV’s Anne Kiguta in 2014 (PHOTOS)

January 26, 2016

kigutaBack in 2014, hearts were broken and tears were wiped as it became apparent that one of Kenya’s finest screen sirens, Anne Kiguta, was set to walk the aisle.
The sultry Citizen TV news anchor was set to tie the lifelong knot to one Steve Ngunyi, but fortunately or unfortunately, it did not come to pass. Having undergone the traditional wedding rites, the wedding was to take place as early as February 2014.
Before the due date came knocking, the two love birds broke up. According to word on the street, she busted Steve cheating on her with another woman (If true, what a Douche!!It’s Anne Kiguta for crying out loud).
Steve, a marketing and advertising agent who has previously worked at Ogilvy & Mather, has since moved on and gotten married. His identity has been a mystery for the longest time, until now.
Check him out

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