“I Used to Be a Justin Bieber Wannabe” – Willy Paul Confesses

January 19, 2016

willyGospel hitmaker Willy Paul has admitted to being a Justin Bieber copycat. The controversial artist has in the past faced a lot of slack from Kenyans for being unoriginal.
While he has mostly been accused of imitating Bongo’s finest, Diamond Platnumz, especially after adopting the name ‘Msafi’, Willy Paul has instead confessed to be a Justin Bieber wannabe.
In one of his trademark long posts on social media, Willy Paul says that three years ago he was so obsessed that he copied everything about the Canadian popstar.
He wrote,
“Three years back, I looked up to Justine bieber a lot. I copied his dressing, singing, dancing and walking style.. I got so obsessed to a point that I almost got his hair cut… I even tried talking like him bit my swahili accent always sold me out.
I copied everything about Justine, I remember when things got out of hand and people started disliking him coz. Of his bad behavior. His PR told him to delete all his post on his social platform e.g: Twitter, Facebook, tango, snapchat and Instagram.

When he got back his first post was an apology letter to all his fans and the world at large.. It was followed by and apology song..
when people started hating on me and accusing me falsely, I thought of doing the same thing Justine did.
But before I just before.. .. I thought for 5hours asking myself.. Questions and getting no answers… I asked God to tell me my purpose on earth… He did not answer immediately, but after one year he answered me and that’s when I found myself leading praise and worship at jcc church…..
Now I know my calling… The Lord has appointed me to lead those who don’t know Him, into His Kingdom…”
The post was seen by some as an indirect attack at Bahati, who wiped out all his Instagram posts recently.

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