Lady Accuses Ringtone of Hit And Run

March 31, 2015

Ringtone, Shieri Kimani 4Ringtone has of late been making all sorts of shocking headlines. The gospel singer has had a series of controversies that range from a fraudulent car deal to a more shocking revelation that saw him name Carol Radull as the reason he was not married. And as if that is not all, the popular local hit-maker has yet again been accused of hit and run by a lady who was once a presenter at KTN.
As it comes out from Shieri Kimani, Ringtone hit the back of her car along Lang’ata Road and instead of pulling over to assess the damage he had caused, he angrily threw his hands at the lady as he quickly sped off. More to it is that, Shieri’s young daughter was at the back of her car, where Ringtone’s green Range Rover had hit it.
This inhumane act from the gospel minister has irked the former KTN presenter who swore to have had Ringtone killed if her daughter had gotten hurt in the incidence. Here are some screen-grabs from Shieri’s text messages explaining the event to her friend.
Ringtone, Shieri Kimani 1
Ringtone, Shieri Kimani 2
Ringtone, Shieri Kimani 3

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