Top Kenyan Actress Lands Movie Role in UK

February 17, 2015

liz-njagahLizz Njagah Konstantaras, by far one of the best actresses in the country has got UK movie producers calling.
The ‘Fundimentals’ star has landed a role in an upcoming film in the United Kingdom. She will be flying out to Europe in two weeks time for the shoot.
“I have been approached by a film producer, who works on African content in the UK, to be a part of a film. I should be going there hopefully before the month ends. I haven’t seen the script yet but I am pretty excited by it. There is a lot of potential out there and a chance to work outside Kenya comes as a huge boost for us. We always feel so limited here and going out there really expands our horizons in getting varied roles as compared to the local industry,” she told Word Is.
Exactly what the doctor ordered for our film industry: Kenyan actors getting that foreign exposure.

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