Kiss TV Refuses To Ban Sauti Sol Video ‘Nishike’

May 6, 2014

kissThe highly sensual video for the hit ‘Nishike’ by Sauti Sol stirred mixed reaction. The video has been put off the stream media where it’s banned on TV notwithstanding a reported pending case in court to lift the ban.
The ban however spurred the video to go viral as by the weekend, it crossed 200,000+ views mark on YouTube.
With the ban in place, its clear local TV stations will not air the viral video. This is not the case with Kiss TV as it has distanced itself from the other stations urging its fans to keep it locked as it will air the highly sensual and controversial video hourly.
Check out their tweet.

@SautiSol Video Nishike banned on TV? Well #KeepItKISS we play the video hourly!! @GhaflaKenya
— KISS TV KENYA (@KeepItKiss) May 5, 2014

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