Mr Lenny Back To Music…Debuts New Song On Straight up. (VIDEO)

January 21, 2014

LENNYMellow voiced singer Mr Lenny officially released his new song ‘Randa Randa’  during  the Straight Up show on Saturday.
The singer confirmed he had returned to the music scene after a six year absence. Mr Lenny said that he had put his music career on hold in order to concentrate on some family business.
He recently signed with Grandpa Records and in an attempt to re-brand; the  singer has dropped ‘Mr’ from his stage name and will simply be referred to as Lenny. Grandpa Record’s  boss said that it took him almost a year to sign the artiste.

“Grandpa is known for repackaging artists and making them relevant to the market, we have successfully done that with DNA and Kenrazy and so we are confident about Mr Lenny. A country wide tour will follow soon.” said Rafiga, Grandpa’s boss.

Lenny released his new song Randa Randa during  KTN’s Straight Up show last saturday. The next question that arises is, is it a hit or a miss? Watch the music video here.

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