Justin Bieber Arrested Again

January 31, 2014


Justin Bieber has been arrested, again. This time it involves an assault charge in Canada, from last month, and it seems that the 19-year-old has turned himself in. Did the talk with Usher over the weekend really help him see the error of his ways?

This is the second arrest for Bieber, within the past week. The first one was last Thursday when he was charged with DUI and resisting arrest, among other offences. He was in Miami with his entourage when arrested in the early hours of the morning, initially, for speeding. Urine test results came back to show that he was also high on drugs, according to Miami police. He also admitted to doing drugs, when arrested.

This second arrest is for an assault from last month in Toronto, allegedly, against a limo driver. According to the limo driver, he picked up six people on Dec. 29, outside a nightclub in the city. A man in the group got into an altercation with the driver and struck him over the head numerous times. The driver instantly called the police.

According to CNN, during Wednesday evening, Bieber had attended a Toronto Maple Leaf’s hockey game and was then escorted to the police station, that night. According to USA Today he chose to turn himself in over the alleged assault; meanwhile, his representatives are claiming he is innocent.

Bieber has been arrested, again, but this may be of his own accord. It seems that he may be trying to get his life back on track by admitting his past mistakes. It seems his talk with Usher over the weekend in Panama has really helped.

Usher flew to Panama – where Bieber went after the Miami incident – for what seemed like an intervention. It’s unclear whether he wanted to get the 19-year-old into rehab, or not, but he definitely wanted him to get his life back on track. Bieber’s mother and manager joined the R&B superstar, along with one of the Canadian’s childhood friends. Selena Gomez, his ex-girlfriend, had already tried to convince him to go to rehab by giving him an ultimatum that involved her leaving him forever.

Bieber has been acting out a lot over the last couple of years, and drugs definitely seem to play a part in that. After an egg-throwing incident, at the start of the month, police found stashes of drugs all around his house. They couldn’t do anything about the incident due to them exceeding the stipulations in the warrant. Admitting to the assault in Toronto raises questions over whether he will admit to the egg-throwing at his neighbor’s house.

The Boyfriend singer’s court date has been set for March 10, where his representatives expect it to be a summary offence, which is the Canadian version of a misdemeanor. He may also face a trial for the egg-throwing incident whether he admits it or not. Detectives have handed evidence to the district attorney, who will decide whether to prosecute the star. Bieber may be arrested, yet again, within the space of a month.

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