67 Per Cent of Kenyans Want Uhuru To Go To The ICC – Ipsos Poll

November 15, 2013

67 percent of Kenyans want President Uhuru Kenyatta to attend his trial at the International Criminal Court. This is according to an Ipsos Synovate poll released yesterday. The poll, conducted between November 1 and 9 sampled 2,060 Kenyans.

According to the survey Kenyans remain divided on the future of the ICC cases with 42 per cent saying they want the cases to continue while 30 per cent want the cases to be terminated. Another 9 per cent say that the cases should continue but would rather President Uhuru and his deputy William Ruto not attend the trial in person. 13 per cent want the ICC cases tried in Kenya. 

40 per cent of those in favour of the continuation of the trial feel that this is the only way post elections victims will get justice. 20 per cent said they do not trust the Kenyan courts, 23 per cent felt that the Hague trials would end impunity, with 5 per cent saying it would end future violence. 

On national security, 67 per cent of Kenyans feel that the Westgate terror attack could have been avoided, attributing the failure to prevent it to the National Intelligence Service at 40 per cent, followed by the police at 24 per cent and Interior Secretary Joseph Ole Lenku at 5 per cent.

The Kenya Red Cross has been rated as the best performer during the four day siege, with 96 per cent of those polled expressing satisfaction with its efforts. Local Media, with 91 per cent comes at number two. Safaricom is third with a 90% approval.
Additional reporting by the Star

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