Formula One in Machakos..! What is Alfred Mutua High on?

November 15, 2013
We have all lauded Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua on his vision for Machakos. He has even been termed the best performing governor… actually, the only performing governor.
But how many of us have inspected his plan for Machakos? Is is feasible? Is he using County money on the wrong projects? Is he prioritizing the wrong projects? Is he just a very good PR guy?
One guy sent this letter to Daily Nation yesterday.

I laughed when governor Alfred Mutua invited the President to launch what amounts to utopia. I have also realised that there is no need for Jubilee to gag the media, for there is no media worth talking about. 

How do you explain that no media has found it fit to analyse Dr Mutua’s ideas and see if they can work? Dr Mutua stayed in America and Dubai for long and thinks he can transplant ideas from there to work in Kenya. Have Kenyans forgotten his idea of uprooting trees from Uhuru Highway and replacing them with stones, an idea he said he saw in Dubai? 

He will build a Formula One track in Machakos. Who will be racing there? Even in Europe, Formula One is an elitist sport. They cannot be racing in an empty stadium where residents cannot afford charges for races. 

First ask: What happened to Safari Rally? 

He will build a 5,000-seat amphitheatre for concerts. Dr Mutua should know that this is Machakos. Who does he think will attend operas? The hunger-stricken? How many ever watch a play at the National Theatre, yet in Nairobi, people have more money?He says in five years, there will be skyscrapers in Machakos to rival Nairobi. Dr Mutua should know that in the city centre, there are many skyscrapers without tenants. Who will go to rent offices in those skyscrapers in Machakos and who will they be serving in Machakos? 


Perhaps we should stop being blinded by the smooth talk and elaborate artist impressions, and start asking the right questions.


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